
in hotel

honey is a versatile food product and ingredient that can be used confidently at different times during the day.
our honey is pure and has specific physical and organoleptic characteristics born from the area and the moment of production. it provides beneficial properties for wellbeing and many possibilities for gastronomic use.o. ( 2019 Hotel collection catalogue)



amenities - 130g / 28g

the one who gives honey, expresses sensitivity of mind and wishes health. the pre-packed mieli thun collections are gifts from the heart, and are unpredictable, representing the elegance of the flowers.,747.jpg?WebbinsCacheCounter=1


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scatola mini 5

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transparency 5

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unique pleasure

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mielipensieri 28g

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pleasure trilogy

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mielipensieri 250g

gift boxes

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* Luoghi di raccolta indicativi


honey colors have iridescent tones, with many hues and highlights, making it difficult to define and codify a scale. mielicromia i san excuse for collecting curiosities, sensory notes, ideas for culinary uses, matching pollens, place of origin and botanical information about the flowers that generate the honey. an id card for each one, an indispensabile tool for recoignizing, reusing and returning honeys, in the plural, to the dignity they deserve. ed. by: mieli thun - corraini edizioni
amiisbn: 9788890522505
pages: 56


about mielicromia

Colours are shimmering in the shades of honey, rich in nuances and reflection, hence difficult to define and codify into a scale. Mielicromia is an excuse to tell curiosities, organoleptics notes, ideas and uses in the kitchen, concomitant pollens, places of origin botanical information about flowers to which honeys are children. For each one, one identity card, an essential tool to re-learn, re-use and re-dignify the honeys, declined only in plural.


additional information

gift packaging includes:

  • package, gift box based on the type of item,
  • decorative seal
  • card with personal message

you can verify the cost of the service and the details of the gift after entering the delivery address. costs may vary depending on the items in the cart

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