honey christ's thorn
its honey is less sweet, with notes of leather, caramel, mountain hay and licorice. to the palate it brings notes of toffee, ground coffee and the scent of a used mocha coffee maker.
in any sweet or savory recipe that includes coffee or bittersweet chocolate. as is on chick pea or white bean purées
in the kitchen
used in cooking vegetable bases and oil-free cooking of onions or leeks, in pastry cooking as a sweetener for cocoa and coffee-based creations. added to the dough for homemade tagliatelle made with chestnut flour or spelt flour. to make candied orange or lemon peel.
altitude range: 0-600m
bloom period: july to august
plant variety
broad-leaved plant of the rhamnaceae family, it grows slowly and has thorns throughout. a spontaneous species in dry climates, its natural habitat includes a swath of the eastern mediterranean. in italy it is found nearly everywhere, more so in southern tuscany and the hotter areas of the kras. the plant produces characteristic yellow flowers in summer. the flower forms a small umbrella and is hermaphroditic. the fruit is edible, and taste like dried apples. toasted and ground, they can serve as a valid coffee substitute.

pollens and combinations *
brassicacea, french honeysuckly, blackberry, egyptian clover, ailanthus
* Indicazione di possibili altri nettari (altre specie botaniche) presenti nel miele in percentuale ridotta.