honey orange
the aroma of orange blossoms characterize this honey, along with the notes of honeysuckle, hawthorn and yellow melon. pleasantly sweet to the palate, with floral notes that can develop into lightly fruited notes, inviting additional tastes. the compound responsible for the distinctive orange blossom aroma is methylantranilate, and the amount of it present in the honey varies depending on the place of origin.
its characteristic acidity and floral notes make it ideal for use in pastry making: pastiera with wheat, fried dough concoctions and citrus compotes, a good match for savory dishes, with squash flower or spring vegetable frittatas, in marinades for raw fish.
in the kitchen
with extra virgin olive oil and lemon for salads and crudités
Altitude distribution: 0-600 m
bloom period: march to may
plant variety
mid-sized tree with rounded canopy and regular branches. the flowers form next to the peduncles of the leaves, singly or in groups. it prefers siliceous soils. zagara means citrus flower. the word is taken from the arabic ‘zahara’, to shine, to emit white gleams, and ‘zahr’, flower.

pollens and combinations *
great honeywort, houndstooth, thistle, french honeysuckle
* Indicazione di possibili altri nettari (altre specie botaniche) presenti nel miele in percentuale ridotta.